Andrew garfield gay spider man

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The title is a reference to Angels in America. The masterpost for the work was published in the form of an article on The Niche, titled I Went Ahead and Wrote A Spider-Man Movie Where Peter Parker is Bisexual Because Life is Short and God Knows Nobody Else Was Going to Do It.

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In the story, as per Andrew Garfield's suggestion, MJ Watson is genderswapped and racebent, and should be imagined as Michael B. It is also known as the 'Bisexual Peter Parker Script' or simply 'The Amazing Spider-Man 3.' It is canon compliant with the two TASM films and is written in screenplay format as the third film of the franchise that never was.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 3: A Gay Fantasia on Superheroic Themes is an Amazing Spider-Man fanwork by silkspectres.

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